Design & Culture


A black and white circular diagram with Chinese characters and symbols. The inner circle has a horizontal line with a dot on each end and the character for "thought" written above it. The outer circle is divided into eight sections with Chinese characters and symbols in each section.

It’s time for design to think less and feel more →

“By embracing sensitivity over logic, designers can learn from old masters and create new solutions that reconnect to us being humans. ...”

photo of italo calvino

Spatial computing: What designers can learn from Italo Calvino’s book Invisible Cities →

“A poetic and mathematical approach to designing in new tech paradigms of AR and VR.”

music score

Graphic notation: a brief history of visualising music →

“Design and music intersect in many areas; Yet one relatively obscure but staggeringly creative area is in the design of graphic notation used by composers. What can we learn from it?...”