“What could be more important in life than how you make people feel?”
“The UX profession has an aura of empathy and care for the people who use tech products. Businesses capitalise on this aura without having to entertain it....”
“We can change history by enlightening the dark corners of technology.”
“Building a shared understanding of complex issues is key to doing work in the social impact space.”
“How evolutionary factors of environment perception affect our preferences for a particular design.”
“Design is inherently ethical. Our methods aren’t.”
“With life being lived increasing online, how is it that we have thought so little about our ‘digital death’?...”
“Understanding the complicated beauty of evil design in the age of the attention economy and what we might do to gain our attention back....”
“Can growth design be truly ethical?”
“Visual symbols are powerful ways to make social constructs – from fashion to government, feel legitimate, trustworthy, and familiar. What's the role that design play in reshaping our society?...”
“Peeking into Virtual Reality through philosophical, technological, ethical, and cognitive lenses can help designers and engineers be aware of the risks and traumas it can cause....”
“How to deconstruct the gender binary in design and make space for genderfluidity”
“Designers need to start being conscious of the power dynamic between them and the ‘designed for’ and change the way they look at the world....”
“The fusion of architecture and cultures that comprised the cityscape of Blade Runner (1982) was a key part in how the narrative humanized the vision of the future. What did that represent for our architectural futures?...”